I spent every minute as a K-12 student in Sarasota County Schools. Our public schools in Sarasota County provided this working-class son of a single mother the means to be the first in his family to graduate from college. Our public schools help create American Dreams. I will fight to fully fund public schools, so that all of Florida’s children, regardless of socioeconomic status, have a chance to chase their American Dream. My opponent, Rep. Fiona McFarland voted to cut $12 million from Sarasota County Schools in Florida’s record House budget.

Protecting our environment protects our jobs. Our bay and beaches are the heart of our economy. We must protect them. Tallahassee ignored Piney Point for decades and as a result it poisoned our bay. I will submit legislation that addresses our repeated Red Tide outbreaks, and funds mitigation measures to protect the Suncoast’s coastline from hurricanes. Because on the Suncoast, being green is gold.

Abortions did not start in 1973 after Roe v. Wade, women just stopped dying from them. Every woman (including rape, incest, and human trafficking victims) should have access to safe and legal abortion services. A woman's future should be a choice for her to decide, not the government. As your State Representative, I will go to Tallahassee and fight to protect a woman's right to access safe and legal abortion services in Florida.


The working people of Florida are the economic engine of our state. Our state simply does not exist without people like law enforcement officers, nurses, firefighters, teachers, servers, cooks, bartenders, etc. I know this, because I grew up in a home with a single mother who was a waitress. However, unlike today, my mother was able to purchase a brand-new home in this county on a waitress' salary. That same opportunity simply does not exist for Florida's working families today. As your State Representative, I will fight to ensure Tallahssee politicians use the Sadowski Affordable Housing Fund to fully fund affordable housing projects for Florida's working families.


Working people cannot afford to live in Florida. The greatest factor contributing to this is Florida’s skyrocketing homeowners insurance. Our insurance system is failing and Tallahassee politicians have completely ignored the problem. On my first day, I will submit comprehensive legislation that both stabilizes our broken homeowners insurance system, and funds storm mitigation measures throughout the state in order to reduce insurance premiums for homeowners. 


I will introduce legislation that strengthens background laws and repeals “Constitutional carry” in Florida (where anyone, with no training, nor a concealed carry license can carry a gun on Florida’s streets). As a teacher, I have seen first hand the failures of our gun laws. The absolute terror my students have in their eyes when an unplanned school lockdown occurs, is an indictment on our society.


I will introduce legislation and will fight for Siesta Key incorporation in Tallahassee. A core tenet of democracy is self-determination. Siesta Key residents should decide the future of the Key, not politicians in Tallahassee.